Showing 4 Result(s)

Day 84 – 3 months in

Today marks 12 full weeks since the beginning of this journey. That means so far, it’s been a 3 month elimination diet and cleanse. During that time I tested many foods and lifestyle changes. Sometimes my reactions were surprising and sometimes things went just as I expected. I’ve noticed that lifestyle changes have as big …

Updated Plan – Month 2

Per the food emotion breakdown, I started to listen to my body and accelerated the plan to include more nutrients. I added quite a few things in week 4 at a faster pace than I would have liked, but it was important to get the extra nutrients in those foods and regain my sanity.  I …

Day 14 -My first negative reaction

Today was an exciting day because I got to introduce peppers. I love spicy peppers and almost all cuisines that include spicy peppers. How many delicious cuisines are based on them? Thai, Indian, Mexican… the list goes on. My stomach wasn’t feeling right over the weekend so I wasn’t a good control for adding the …
