Hi, I'm Alicia

I’m a nutritionist, microbiologist, and mindfulness coach on a mission to prevent unnecessary suffering from gut distress and chronic illness. 

You can learn what your UNIQUE body needs, and how to fuel it in any situation, whether at a client dinner or touring Nepal. Flexibility in health comes with a deep understanding of self. 

Through gut health, nutrition, lifestyle, and stress reduction, I partner with humans to build a life full of vitality and free of pain. 

Let’s build that VIBRANT life together! 

I do this work so you never have to live my story

Finding Wellness

I used to be so tired, and in so much pain, I’d wake up crying and rock on the floor in the fetal position.

I used to vomit every day, uncontrollably.

I used to be so inflamed tumors popped up in my heal and broke through bone, and weird clumps of hair, skin, and nails started growing in my eyeball.

I used to suffer from chronic fatigue.

I am SOOO grateful I listened to that little voice inside me that said this could be better, that this wasn’t my lot in life.

I’m so grateful I pushed back to questionable advice from traditional avenues and leaned into alternative medical practices that believed in holistic healing, practices I now call integrated functional medicine.

I am so grateful I now sometimes get called an energizer bunny and energy unicorn… because it’s a reminder of how far I’ve come and how far we all can go together with open minds and open hearts.

Thanks for being here with me on this journey as I try to share what I’ve learned over the last few decades. 

My goal is to prevent a little bit of suffering because I have seen a better way!

After suffering through all that fully preventable chronic illness for decades, I found holistic wellness that brought unimagined health.

We’re talking never felt better, cured my seasonal allergies health!

I’m here because you can have that too. 


Alicia ina bear hug with bernadoodle Argus

We're talking freedom!

That freedom to live well came through small lifestyle changes made over time. I first focused on reducing toxins going into my mouth, followed closely by my lungs, and skin until my body recovered.

I dove deep into every avenue of alternative and many conventional healing approaches. I studied Molecular cellular and developmental biology with an emphasis in immunology. 

I studied Meditation at a Buddhist temple and through a master’s program. 

I studied nutrition and functional medicine at the graduate level and read all the nutrition books I could. 

What I started to realize was that everything is intricately interconnected. We can’t treat one system and expect the whole picture to improve. 

We need to look at it holistically. And we need a plan that works for us in real life. 

Now I run this site Eat Your Way Clean to help others find that same wellness through personalized lifestyle tweaks that really work and make life more enjoyable.

Because that’s the point… to feel good and live to the fullest for as long as we are here, however long that might be.


True health freedom comes from understanding our unique bodily needs and understanding how to flex in different situations. It’s complicated at first, but it’s liberating!

Eat Well to Live Well

Eating Well to Live Well has become somewhat of a mantra around here. 

I am on an ongoing mission to heal root causes through gut-health, mindfulness, and nourishing yet delicious foods.

Together, we can leverage ancient knowledge validated through the scientific method to build health that we’ve only dreamed of! 

The goal is that no one else has to unreasonably think that being sick is a normal state of being! Because there is another way: a way of wellness.

My favorite way to spread wellness is through private 1:1 coaching and retreats

On the website you’ll find clean recipes as well as articles on nutrition and health research, eating stylessustainability, and travel.

Check out some of my deconstructed recipes turned into health-nut approved recipes, and help celebrate cooking, baking, drinking and eating with friends and family and plenty of fun.

Enjoy the journey with me! 

My health journey and the founding of Eat Your Way Clean

My name is Alicia and I have two passions: travel and food. I use the word food generously and consider cocktails and wine to be included under that umbrella term. Really, anything that goes into your has an opportunity to nourish or inflame.

For a long time, my food was making me sick. You can imagine how hard it would be for the very thing you love to be hurting you.

4 Corners Africa: Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana

I lived with sickness for a long time... and thought it was normal

Since I was a little kid, I was sick all the time. After years of tests with no diagnosis, I finally figured out gluten was the culprit at age 22.

My provider told me to cut gluten from my diet and that I likely had celiac. Before I completed the blood tests, I had been gluten free for some time, so they weren’t 100% conclusive. I also had the biopsy but years after going gluten-free. For me, it wasn’t worth it to reintroduce a food that was making me sick for 4 months just to get a conclusive diagnosis.

I just continued the positive changes that made me feel healthier. Unfortunately, cutting out gluten wasn’t enough. I was still having a lot of GI issues so I further limited my diet, restricting dairy and other processed foods.

Edible Green Apple Balloons @ Alinea in Chicago

The early #GF life

My mom and I were diagnosed at the same time in an era before grocery stores and cafes carried gluten-free paleo muffins. We missed cookies and couldn’t find GF versions anywhere! Reminder, this was 2007 and the #gf marketplace had not yet boomed.

After hours researching and attempting to recreate cookies with gluten free ingredients, we crafted what I’ll call the most delicious gluten free cookies on earth. We sold them at coffee shops, farmers’ markets and grocery stores across Colorado as Grain Free Planet. But it is hard to make the same recipes on repeat!

After burning out making the same 5 recipes for years, we closed the bakery doors. Now my favorite hobby is taking all the ingredients out of a recipe and replacing them with healthier alternatives.

Knock - Knock - See how we can help you eat a healthier and live a fuller live with personal pantry and meal plan consultations at Eat your Way Clean
Door to Nowhere {} Cinque Terre

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

Over the years, I discovered ways to enjoy food without hurting my body. By choosing real, whole foods that nourish and heal my body, my allergies dissipated, I rarely get sick, and I just plain feel better!

This is a place to share healing recipes made of nutritious foods and clean eating meal plans designed to help you feel better while you pursue all of your passions! Let’s enjoy food again! Whether that be raw vegan pie, bacon-wrapped cheese, street food, tacos, cookies, curry or anything in between! Join me on the journey of eating well to feel well, and eating well to live well! 🙂

Eat Your Way Clean - The Beginnings

The name Eat Your Way Clean had two inspirations: a favorite song from the band LCD Soundsystem, and my quest for a clean bill of health. After battling auto-immune disease and overall reduced wellness for decades, I went on a mission to solve my health issues preventatively.

That started with a 6-month elimination diet to test my food intolerances, reset habits around exercise and sleep, and become more centered.

What started as an act of accountability transformed into a place to share my journey with the world.

If you believe in this mission and want to learn more, stick around and sign up for the monthly EYWC newsletter. You’ll get new research, interesting reading material and of course lots of clean recipes.

Work With Me

I offer private consultations and coaching to help you jump-start the healthier version of you!