
3 day Juice Cleanse

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As if I hadn’t tried enough crazy cleansing this year, I decided to do it again. This time I really went for it with a three day juice cleanse. At first glance this seems easier because the duration is so short. However, it really feels harder because I am not eating anything. I’m just drinking it. The nutrition and calories are all there to support me through the days but its mentally more challenging, at least for me!

That’s why I’m so happy to have a friend from work join me! It makes it kind of like a fun adventure. Plus, this juice cleanse includes pressed almond milk, so it doesn’t even really feel like a juice fast. And – I get to try Chlorophyll water which is very exciting.


Since I can’t be juicing every couple of hours at the office, we chose to do a cleanse through a store that provides fresh juice. Pressed Juicery (who makes those fabulous freezes I love) makes cold-pressed juice and offers three kinds of cleanses with varying levels of sugar and calories to support anyone from beginner to breathanarian. You can choose the days and make your own adventure by switching up the juices in the store (and its way cheaper).

We chose to do 3 days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The plan is two drink the juices in order, 1 every 2 hours. Yesterday was day one and I conveniently also had a 4 hour exam early that morning (an exam that didn’t allow food or drink inside the testing center, mind you). In retrospect, it might not have been the best day to start. 😉 I started off with a cheat. I really wanted to be “with it” for the whole 4 hours so I added 2 eggs and an espresso to my morning routine (eek – i know!) Getting off-kilter at the beginning of the day really made it difficult to stick to the plan. Since I waited so long between breakfast and juice 2, (and because my nerves were on high because I had an espresso that morning and I passed the 4 HOUR exam), I just didn’t really feel like a parsley/kale/lemon juice for lunch. So I cheated again. I succumbed to the mixed nuts they set out at the AirBnB before juice 2. Then I craved food and chocolates all. afternoon. long!

I actually ate enough real food that I could’t finish all of Day 1’s juices. I cheated more on this juice fast in half a day than I cheated on the entire 3 month cleanse plan.  In fact, I didn’t cheat at all on the 3 month cleanse plan. So why was it so hard to stick to this tiny little 3 day plan?

My theory right now is two-fold:

  1. It isn’t as big of a commitment so I’m not taking it as seriously and not that upset with myself if I stray. Basically, I haven’t internalized the importance of strict adherence.
  2. A pure juice cleanse doesn’t allow for any mastication, which is something I think humans need (per this article on chewing psychology  and my own personal desire for crunch).

Today is another day though, and since this is my only real chance to go all-out on this short little juice cleanse, I’m going to be 100% good. Today is a little more intense because I did cleanse 3 -> the cleanse for the experienced! It has more green juice and less sugar. I brought a cucumber in case I need something with crunch.

Wish me luck throughout the day and through tomorrow!


Day 1:

Vanilla Almond:

almond, dates, sea salt, vanilla bean

Greens 2:

apple, celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, parsley, romaine, spinach

Roots 2:

apple, carrot, ginger, kale, parsley, romaine, spinach

Citrus 2:

apple, lemon, mint, pineapple

Greens 3:

apple, celery, cucumber, ginger, kale, lemon, parsley, romaine, spinach

Chocolate Almond:

almond, cacao, dates, filtered water, sea salt

All day: Chlorophyll Water

Before Bed: Aloe Vera H2O


Day 2:

Greens 1:

celery, cucumber, kale, parsley, romaine, spinach

Citrus 1:

aloe vera, coconut water, cucumber, lemon, pineapple

Greens 2:

apple, celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, parsley, romaine, spinach

Greens 1:

celery, cucumber, kale, parsley, romaine, spinach

Greens 3:

apple, celery, cucumber, ginger, kale, lemon, parsley, romaine, spinach

Vanilla Almond:

almond, dates, sea salt, vanilla bean

All day: Chlorophyll Water

Before Bed: Aloe Vera H2O


About Alicia

I love cooking almost as much as I love eating so I try to make sure I feel good about what I'm eating. I believe it's always a good occasion for some bubbly and I also love feeling healthy and being outdoors. I try to buy, cook and eat whole nutritious foods that promote a fun active lifestyle.


  1. is hemp oil safe to take

  2. what is best cbd oil to help sleep

    1. I love RE: botanicals or mowellens, but i also love even more these Chinese tinctures from Remedies on Point! The R&R is the best!

  3. Hi! just wondering if you ever felt low energy or like you weren’t getting enough starches/carbs when you were doing the cleanse (I’ve felt like that when I’ve done whole30 sometimes if I went too low-carb…)…sounds worth trying tho!

    1. I felt like I was getting the nutrients I needed but I definitely felt like I had enough carbs. For me I think the hardest part of this was the high amount of sugar. I should have chosen one of their lower sugar options. However, my friend felt like she needed some more sugar- so it all depends on what your baseline is 🙂

  4. Which was your favorite/least favorite juice? Some of them sound quite interesting!

    1. What a great question! It’s hard to decide really. I think Greens 3 was my favorite – mostly because it had lots of veggies so it wasn’t too sweet but had the nice kick of ginger and lemon. The chocolate almond tasted surprisingly like chocolate milk which was fun because I haven’t tasted that in ages! And the Roots 2 was pleasantly surprising. Greens 1 was the hardest to drink because there is no fruit at all but that also feel like the most cleansing 🙂

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