Milkshakes used to be my Jam! I worked in an ice cream parlor all of high-school, for goodness sake. I might have grown a teeny-bit of an addiction to the stuff. There is something about the cool creamy consistency of a shake that I really love and can’t seem to give up.
Even when I wasn’t on a 3 month cleanse with absolutely no dairy I knew having a milkshake full of dairy isn’t worth it and the dairy-free ice-creams really aren’t that much better for you because they are chocked full of sugar and weird stabilizers. Then it came upon me. Bananas! Frozen Bananas! When you blend them up the taste just like ice-cream and have the smoothest texture.
I’ve been making these banana shakes for years and figured it is about time to share the recipe with you. You can make this more like ice-cream by adding less coconut milk and more like a shake by adding more coconut milk. If I’m missing my old friends Ben and Jerry, I’ll make it really thick with barely any liquid and eat it with a spoon out of a cup.
So the next time you feel like a milk shake, or some ice cream , try blending up some bananas instead! Freezing your bananas is also a great way to preserve bananas before they go brown or get tossed.
Healthy Peanut Butter Cup Shake
Place all ingredients in blender.
Pulse until fairly well blended. mix on low until fully blended.
Pour into cups and top with chocolate chips for some added crunch (optional).